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Component 6: Home, School and Community Partnerships
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Districts/district leaders:
Commit to outreach and development of partnerships with parents, guardians, family and community to support student well-being and achievement.
Build and support home, school and community partnerships by sharing current information about student learning and achievement in an ongoing and transparent manner.
Provide learning opportunities, resources and supports to help parents and families support student learning.
Establish and maintain a Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) to seek the advice and ideas of parents on how to support, encourage and enhance parent engagement in support of student achievement and well-being.
Indicator 6.1: The School Council has a meaningful role in supporting learning, well-being and achievement for students.
At the school:
The School Council, in partnership with staff, consults with, listens to and assists the parent community in becoming familiar with current school and community issues and information (e.g., opportunity to learn about the School Improvement Plan).
The School Council encourages parents’ involvement in their children’s learning at home and at school.
Targets and achievement results are communicated to the school community both to build public confidence and to engage parents in supporting student learning and achievement.
The School Council promotes increased parent involvement that reflects the diversity of the school community to support student achievement and well-being.
The School Council identifies and works with staff to address barriers to parent and community engagement.
In the classroom:
The School Council promotes parent and community involvement in classroom activities.
Experience the link between home and school.
Benefit from and/or make use of role models in the community.
Value the contribution of parents and community members to learning and well-being
Indicator 6.2: Students, parents and community members are engaged and welcomed, as respected and valued partners in student learning
At the school:
Various strategies are used to communicate and engage parents (e.g., informal discussions, school and/or class newsletters, websites, student agendas, surveys).
Communication with parents is ongoing and timely.
An ongoing assessment of parent and community engagement is conducted.
A positive, welcoming school climate is fostered to encourage, value and consider parent and community perspectives.
A process is in place to welcome and support new families to the school community.
The cultural and linguistic diversity of the school and community is recognized and respected.
A range of opportunities for parent, family and community involvement/engagement is available (e.g., hours conducive to attendance).
In the classroom:
The classroom environment is inviting for and respectful of students, parents and community members.
Parents and community members are invited to contribute in various activities and learning opportunities (e.g., reading mentors, math coaches, employers, story tellers).
See themselves as valued members of the school community and take pride in representing their school.
Identify how their culture is reflected in the learning opportunities in the classroom and school.
Interact positively with peers, parents and community members.
Indicator 6.3: The school and community build partnerships to enhance learning opportunities and well-being for students.
At the school:
Student learning and well-being are intentionally supported through the meaningful involvement of parents, families, members of the School Council and community partners.
Participation in community activities is supported (e.g., career fairs, charity events, Skills Canada). The School Effectiveness Framework K–12 40
Parents have opportunities to enhance their own learning and skills in order to support student learning at home and in the school.
Processes are in place to establish partnerships (e.g., co-op placements, School College Work Initiative, Public Health Units).
Partnerships with community organizations are established so that students and their families have access to programs and services on the school premises during and outside of regular school hours (e.g., breakfast programs, tutoring, Community Use of Schools funding).
In the classroom:
Learning experiences prepare students to interact positively with community partners.
Students are provided with planned and purposeful learning experiences with community partners.
Participate in and learn from interactions with community partners both in school and in community settings (e.g., community involvement graduation requirement, volunteerism).
Students are aware of and access programs and services available to them in their school and community to support their social, emotional, cognitive and physical development.
Demonstrate social responsibility in the school and in the community.
Indicator 6.4: Learning opportunities, resources and supports are provided to help parents support student learning and have productive parent-teacher-student conversations.
At the school:
A variety of forums and supports are available at the school and in the community (e.g., curriculum evenings, workshops, guest speakers) to deepen parents’ understanding of the teaching, learning and assessment processes.
Parents have opportunities to expand their own learning (e.g., sessions on parenting skills, internet safety, nutrition).
Ongoing communication and outreach activities increase engagement and build effective school-parent-family relationships.
Focus on intentional, positive engagement with parents and the community.
In the classroom:
A variety of methods are used to engage parents’ support for student learning (e.g., class website, conferences, newsletter).
Information about courses/units of study is shared with parents to support student learning (e.g., big ideas, learning goals, success criteria).
Partnerships with parents foster positive attitudes about school and improved academic achievement. The School Effectiveness Framework K–12 41
Parents are enabled to participate fully in parent/teacher conferences (e.g., translators, babysitting, scheduling).
Relevant and up-to-date information about education transitions is provided through parent-teacher-student conversations.
Share their learning with their parents/families.
Demonstrate engagement in parent-teacher-student conversations.
Make connections between the learning at home and the learning at school.
Note: All content is from The School Effectiveness Framework published by the Ontario Ministry of Education in 2013. It is re-posted here only for ease of digital navigation.