Research into Practice
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A research-into-practice series produced by a partnership between the former Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat (of the Ontario Ministry of Education) and the Ontario Association of Deans of Education.
Assessing Text Difficulty for Students
Bolstering Resilience in Students- Teachers as Protective Factors
Boys Underachievement- Which Boys Are We Talking About
Bringing Marginalized Parents and Caregivers into Their Children's Schooling
Computer Coding in the K–8 Mathematics Curriculum
Cultivating Student Engagement Through Interactive Art Strategies
Drawing on Children's _Sense of Place_ The Starting Point for Teaching Social Studies and Geography
Early Identification and Intervention for At-Risk Readers in French Immersion
Engaging Students Through the Arts
ESL in the Mathematics Classroom
Exploring the Power of Growing Patterns
Facilitating Activist Education
Financial Literacy Education - Navigating Paradox
Forging Safer Learning Environments
Fostering Literacy Success for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Students
Gender Differences in Computer Attitudes, Ability, and Use in the Elementary Classroom
Including Students with Exceptionalities
Integrating Aboriginal Teaching and Values into the Classroom
Learning Mathematics vs Following Rules_- The Value of Student-Generated Methods
Making Space for Students to Think Mathematically
Mobilizing Research into Practice in Meaningful Ways
Pedagogical Documentation Opening Windows onto Learning
Performing Poetry- Using Drama to Increase the Comprehension of Poetry
Placing Music at the Centre of Literacy Instruction
Poetry: A Powerful Medium for Literacy and Technology Development
Poverty and Schooling Where Mindset Meets Practice
Problem-Based Learning in Mathematics – A tool for Developing Students_ Conceptual Knowledge
Project-Based Learning Drawing on Best Practices in Project Management
Promoting Critical Literacy Across The Curriculum And Fostering Safer Learning Environments
Promoting Literacy in Multilingual Contexts
Science and Literacy in the Elementary Classroom
Storytelling and Story Writing
Student Interaction in the Math Classroom- Stealing Ideas or Building Understanding
Supporting Early Language and Literacy
Supporting Early Literacy Learning Through Play
Supporting Families as Collaborators in Children's Literacy Development
Supporting Students' Vocabulary Development Through Play
Teaching for Ecological Sustainability- Incorporating Indigenous Philosophies and Practices
Technology in the Mathematics Classroom- Harnessing the Power of Interactive White Boards
The Educational Implications of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
The Effectiveness of Literacy Coaches
The Mathematical Territory Between Direct Modelling and Proficiency
The Student Filmmaker- Enhancing Literacy Skills through Digital Video Production
The Voice of Text-to-Speech Technology- One Solution for Struggling Readers
Understanding Self-Regulation Why Stressed Students Struggle to Learn
Using a Professional Learning Community to Support Multimodal Literacies
Using Classroom Amplification in a Universal Design Model to Enhance Hearing and Listening
Using Data to Improve Student Achievement
Using Digital Technologies to Support Word Study Instruction
Using Multilevel texts- Supporting Literacy in the Inclusive Classroom
Video Games in the Classroom- Building Skills in Literacy and Numeracy
What Complexity Science Tells Us about Teaching and Learning
Word Problems- Connecting Language, Mathematics and Life