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Understanding de-streaming

This section contains a curated collection of resources aimed at articulating why de-streaming is not only a good thing for students, but an ethical imperative. 

Quick facts


Questions and answers about de-streaming

Why de-stream? 

What affect does streaming have on students? 

Will a de-streamed class make things more challenging for students who would have been enrolled in the Academic stream?

Will a de-streamed class make things more challenging for students who would have been enrolled in the Applied stream? 

Is de-streaming even possible without additional funding for more EAs? 

De-streaming has been tried before and was a failure. Why are we doing this again?

Will teaching a de-streamed class make teaching more demanding? 

Is the provincial government doing this just to save money? 

Is de-streaming possible without smaller class sizes? 

Is the provincial government doing this to sabotage public education so that more parents will opt for private schools? 

What do you mean streaming is racist? 

There are no racialized students in my school. Why do we need to address systemic racism by de-streaming?

How can I teach a de-streamed class without adequate training on how to do it? 

Supports for understanding de-streaming

Academic Streaming (Jason To) 

Streaming Students

Destreaming in Ontario: History, Evidence and Educator Reflections (Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario)

EP 06: Streaming and Educational Pathways, ft. Alison Gaymes-San Vicente, Gillian Parekh, Diana Grimaldos & Annie Kidder

Destreaming Science in Ontario Schools (Brandon Zoras)

Destreaming 101 (Nelson)

How Ontario Can Get De-Streaming Right (People for Education)

Coalition for Alternatives to Streaming in Education (CASE)

Applied or Academic: High Impact Decisions for Ontario students (People for Education)

Streaming in Ontario (Science Teacher' Association of Ontario)

Destreaming Education: Our Two Cents (Edugals) 

Timing is everything: The implementation of de-streaming in Ontario's high schools (People for Education)

Ungrading in Destreamed Math

Research on de-streaming

Equity and Quality in Education - Supporting Disadvantaged Students and Schools (large PDF)

How to End Streaming in Ontario Schools (Ontario 360, U of T)

Marginal at Best- A narrative on streaming in public education (Alison Gaymes San Vicente, Policy Alternatives)

Restacking the Deck (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)

Towards Race Equity in Education - The Schooling of Black Students in the Greater Toronto Area (York University)

Other forms of streaming in Ontario

Stop Streaming Black Kids into Special Education (ETFO)

The Case for Inclusive Education (TDSB)

Supporting videos